Contact Us

Contact Us House Garden Maintenance in France

There are many ways in which you can contact us.  Either fill in the contact form below with your details and press the submit button or click on our email address below and it will automatically open your email software on your computer.

You could always just do it the old fashioned way and just pick up the phone and give me a call on any of the contact phone numbers below.

Contact Us Telephone Number: +33 (0) 4 70 66 14 96
Contact Us Mobile Number: +33 (0) 6 42 90 76 69
Contact Us email Address:
My Location:
Working Days are Monday Tuesday Wednesday (Half Day) Thursday & Friday.
Working Hours are 9 am to 4 pm except Wednesday when I finish at 12 midday.
Fully registered in France. SIRET No 518 862 354 00017

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